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Most of us would not have expected the first week of September to bring such a striking cold to England. Pacing over London Bridge to catch an early train to Oxted, I had to turn back to take a quick snap of the City mired in the fog-like morning mist before, very illegally, cycling through the station and hopping on the train.

The station floor would be the smoothest surface my wheels would touch for the next six hours. After arriving at the Velo Barn, a truly lovely location with great coffee and pastries, I grabbed a cortado. But it wouldn’t be the double espresso shot in my drink to make my heart pump, but seeing seventy other riders showing up, in full gear, for Le Col's ARC Collection launch ride.

A diverse and smiling bunch broke into seven groups as we set off for the 42-kilometre route. With a little over 750m in elevation in front of us, I changed into the new ARC Merino Long Sleeve Jersey - snug but not too tight, I knew it would keep me warm through the ride, still letting enough air through to be comfortable.

Others, like the Wolfox CAMS Le Col racing team’s Lee, opted for the short-sleeve option. He was chatty and friendly. He also showed great bike handling skills, displaying prowess over steep climbs and narrow, muddy descents. Some of us walked up toward the end of climbs, and I kept a tight hold on my back break at each decline after seeing a few slips in the beginning. But, more than anything, the group mixed and we all got to know each other.

The weather turned for the better, and we swerved forests and country roads. Kent’s scenery is stunning at the best of times, and with the sun coming out, it only got better. Glancing at my watch an hour in and discovering that we had only been about 20km in, my hopes of a quick, easy ride and an early lunch were quickly disappearing.

We were all locked in. Every breath of fresh air was filled with petrichor and a crispness only foundoutside the M25. The cacophony of spinning bearings filled moments of silence, and I startedregretting the decision to wear white socks after riding through puddles and muddy paths. Thenew Arc jerseys kept us warm in forests while letting enough of the air through on descents tocool us down. Some, clearly more strategic than myself, took nutrition at the halfway point,whereas I pushed through hills thinking about the promised pint.

Finally, we emerged on the road back to the finish point. Smiling faces and beeping bike computers announced our return, and as we all recharged and stretched out, it was clear that the gravel route had made its mark on the bikes. As all of us got back, riders exchanged Strava profiles and some of us picked up some pieces from the new ARC collection, doubtless to be seen again on muddy paths as we enter the autumn.