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It’s your bike, on your roads, in your kit. It’s your ride.

We asked you to share your biggest rides of 2022, and we've picked some of our favourites. Keep sharing your biggest achievements on the bike with us on social using the hashtag #LeColCC and we'll add more club stories in 2023.

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Andrew Young, Vancouver, CA

I took on the challenge of riding 365 consecutive days outside on the bike. Yep, that's every day for a full year despite the weather. There were days late in December when I thought it might not happen because the road conditions were, honestly, quite horrific with fresh snow overtop of compacted ice. Not so good for my "winter bike" without wintertires. That said...

I rode in pouring rain
I rode in howling winds
I rode in insane heatI rode in pounding snow
I rode in glorious sunshine
I rode in dull grey overcast skies
I rode when I shouldn't have
and I rode when I should

I did this because when I set a goal, I want to beat it. I did this because nothing is impossible. I did this because I’m dedicated and at 53, I continue to push the limits of what I think my body is capable of. Ultimately, I did this because I wanted to and eventually as the year wore along because I had to.The phrase ‘Haivoluto la bicicletta? Adesso pedala!’ is where my 53-year-old brain is at. In English this translates to: ‘You wanted the bicycle? Now pedal!’ It refers to asituation where someone was dreaming of or striving for some goal or outcome, and once obtained s/he/they finds her/himself/themself dealing with all itentails, good, bad, overwhelming, or challenging as it may be.

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Alpar Katona, Romania

Self-sustained mountain bike traverse of Iceland from East (Dhalatangi Lighthouse) to West (Bjartangal Lighthouse) through the Highlands.15 days of pure and epic adventure in a team of 5 riders, carrying all our gear (tents, sleeping bags, food, clothes) over 1,000 km distance and 15,000m across the middle of the island, passing totally off-roads the vast and uninhabited rock and lava deserts, in the close proximity of the biggest glaciers of Europe. The pure logistics to ride across this stone and lava desert, was trumped by the constant elements of the weather (wind, rain, average -3 degree) and also countless dangerous glacier river crossings. This was the second repeat of the route, first done in 2020 by a US bike team (see "A Line in the Sand").

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Stephanie Luff, New York, USA

I completed a 4-day stage race in the mountains of Vermont and made time cut for all stages, despite being a road sprinter and track cyclist. I am normally a very slow climber, but I trained for months. Iearned last place in GC but that alone was an achievement because there was a 16% attrition rate. Everyone told me I was crazy for even showing up to this challenging stage race, but I sincerely believe that doing scary, hard thingsis good for you.

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Andy Langdown, Emsworth, UK

After being hit by a car and needing roadside resuscitation whilst unconscious with an obstructed airway 2 days before Christmas last year, simply getting back on a bike was an achievement in itself! But being able to complete a week in the Pyrenees with my mates and winning my age group in a local time trial was way over what I thought I may ever be able to accomplish. Bring on 2023!

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Sophie Marr, Newcastle, UK

Completing the infamous Muri di Sarmano climb from the Tour of Lombardi in Northern Italy 4 months after my baby was born. And then completing a 100km bike ride 6 months after having my baby. I started with the turbo for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, and then eventually outside for 30 min and so on. On weekends, me and my partner would take it in turns to ride somewhere. I was so happy to complete the lung busting climb to get to 100km! My next step is getting our baby boy involved on the bike ride when he can fit in the bike seat. So hopefully only a month or so until he joins in.


Ride with legends, train with pros and turn your effort into rewards. The Le Col Cycling Club is a community united by stories, shared goals and hard-and-fast ambition. Ride faster, ride further with the most rewarding club in cycling. Best of all, it's free.